Argento, rame, madreperle tra i materiali usati dall'Artista Italiana, tutti rigorosamente fatti a mano con l'obiettivo di dar vita a un "gioiello creato per l'originalitá di chi l'indossa"
Vi aspettiamo allo stand A 131 Drassanes Reials - Barceona- Spagna
Anna Giagnorio has presented at Espai Joia (October 17 to 20, 2013) in the exclusive setting of the Maritime Museum of Barcelona the new set "Emotions", composed of ring and necklace.
Silver, copper, mother of pearl the materials used by the Italian Artist, all made by hand in order to do a "jewel created for the originality of the wearer"
Visit us on stand A 131 Drassanes Reials - Barceona-Spain